Monday, December 17, 2012


How cool that we got to celebrate December 12, 2012!! Each student brought a group of 12! We also got to take a picture at 12:12! Enjoy the pictures!
Thanks for the donuts Aidan!


Molly had 12 chocolate bears! 
Karsen brought 12 jewls

Landon brought 12 cookies!

Katy brought 12 m&m's!

Dylan brought 12 marbles!              

Scout and her 12 ornaments!

Rachael and her 12 cookies!

Simeon and his 12 gumballs

Elena and her 12 candy canes!

Sloan and his 12 sticks!

Cole and his 12 sea shells!!

Aidan and his 12 donuts!

Cooking Class: Candy Cane Fruit!


 Last week in cooking class the class got to make fruit candy cane! The candy cane was made out of banana's and strawberries! YUMMY!!









Wednesday, December 12, 2012

December Cookies With Our Bible Big Buddies!!

Our class had their Bible Big Buddies come again and this time they brought stuff to make cookies! The students got to interact and help each other decorate cookies! Our class loves their big buddies, especially when cookies are involved!

Monday, November 26, 2012


We celebrated Karsen's birthday on our Thanksgiving feast day!



Our class with our big buddies!! In line for food!

Ms. Lanier's class on our Thanksgiving Feast!! 2012

Marvelous Me: Molly

Molly telling the class what each picture is on her Marvelous Me poster!!

Molly showing the class her Marvelous Me poster!

Molly's mom and sister came to our class and brought donuts!! The class loved the morning surprise treat :) Molly's sister, Hattie Bell read the book, Polar Bear Polar Bear to our class!!

Monday, November 5, 2012


Scout and Cole with their ice cream! YUMMY!
We had our first 2 ice cream readers last week!! Scout and Cole completed 15 books from their take home readers! The each received vanilla ice cream with toppings! YUMMY! Read Read Read!!!

Marvelous Me: Katy and her BIRTHDAY!!

Katy and her birthday cupcakes for the class!!

Katy explaining to the class her Marvelous Me poster!
Katy was our Marvelous Me last week!!! Katy had her mom and her dad come to school! Her dad talked to our class about the gas industry and explained what he did for a living... Katy's mom brought the kids cookies!! Katy was even lucky enough to celebrate her birthday on her Marvelous Me week!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Marvelous Me: Landon!!!

Landon was our Marvelous Me!!! He had his mom come to our class and talk about her time in London!! She even brought us some "cookies" and some tea! The class really enjoyed the cups that the tea was in :) Pinkies Up!!

Landon's mom came to our class and had a slide show for us!!

Mrs. Hayes bringing us "cookies" and tea!!!

Katy think this tea is YUMMY!!

Pinkies up when you drink tea!! (Dylan)

Landon and his mom with his poster!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Root Beer, Dancing, and Class 50's Day Picture!

All the girls with their root beer floats!!

All the boys with their root beer floats!

Ms. Lanier's Kindergarten Class!!

Ms. Lanier's Kindergarten Class!

We are a COOL 50's day class :)

Dance time to 50's music in the class!

Dancing to 50's music!

Landon singing along to the 50's music!


Katy twisting to the music!

Scout twisting to the music!

Molly and Landon dancing to 50's music!