Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Marvelous Me: Landon!!!

Landon was our Marvelous Me!!! He had his mom come to our class and talk about her time in London!! She even brought us some "cookies" and some tea! The class really enjoyed the cups that the tea was in :) Pinkies Up!!

Landon's mom came to our class and had a slide show for us!!

Mrs. Hayes bringing us "cookies" and tea!!!

Katy think this tea is YUMMY!!

Pinkies up when you drink tea!! (Dylan)

Landon and his mom with his poster!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Root Beer, Dancing, and Class 50's Day Picture!

All the girls with their root beer floats!!

All the boys with their root beer floats!

Ms. Lanier's Kindergarten Class!!

Ms. Lanier's Kindergarten Class!

We are a COOL 50's day class :)

Dance time to 50's music in the class!

Dancing to 50's music!

Landon singing along to the 50's music!


Katy twisting to the music!

Scout twisting to the music!

Molly and Landon dancing to 50's music!

50's DAY!!

Today is the 50th DAY of School!! We got to have bubble gum, skittles, and root beer floats! During P.E we even had a sock hop! The student's had a BLAST dressing up. Happy 50's Day!!
Rachael in her 50's outfit!!

Elena in her 50's outfit!!

Dylan in  his 50's outfit!

Scout in her 50's outfit!!

Cole in his 50's outfit!

Aidan in his 50's outfit!!

Simeon in his 50's outfit!

Landon in his 50's outfit!

Sloan in his 50's outfit!

Karsen in her 50's outfit!

Katy in her 50's outfit!

Molly in her 50's outfit!

Scout at the Sock Hop!


Sloan, Karis, and Cole at the Sock Hop!

Scout, Rachael, Elena and Katy at the Sock Hop!

Sloan and Dylan at the Sock Hop!

Katy at the Sock Hop!


Molly and Rachael at the Sock Hop!

Simeon at the Sock Hop: Beach Boys!

Aidan and Cole: Beach Boys!

Kindergarten Teachers 2012!!!

50's Day!

50's Day!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Bible Big Buddies!!

On Thursday we had our bible big buddies come to our class!! Our big buddies, who are freshman drove all the way from the upper campus to our class. They came and talked to us about the story of Noah and the Ark! Each student got to pick an animal they wanted to pretend they were! Here are pictures with our big buddies!

Landon and his bible buddy

Cole and his bible buddy

Aidan and his bible buddy

Simeon and his bible buddy

Elena and her bible buddy

Rachael and her bible buddy

Molly and her bible buddy

Scout and her bible buddy

Karsen and her bible buddy

Dylan and his bible buddy

Sloan and his bible buddy