Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Simeon's Half Birthday!!!

Today was Simeon's half birthday!! We celebrated his birthday today because his birthday is August 3rd! Simeon brought our class awesome cupcakes and goodie bags for everybody to take home! We all hope Simeon had a great half birthday!! 
Happy Birthday Simeon (with his awesome cupcake!)

Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

100's Day at School!!

  100th Day Of School!!!

Today is the 100th day of school and we celebrated by bringing in a poster with 100 things on it, counting and sorting candy, counting to 100 (on our Jelly Beans paper) , wrote about what we would be doing when we are 100 years old, and we even drew a picture of our self when we are 100!!We had fun fun fun!!

Scout Auten

Cole Hamling

Elena Bird

Rachael Anderson

Dylan Kelly

Karsen Bryan

Katy Meeker

Aidan Harrell

Molly Poland

Landon Hayes

Sloan Garrett

Simeon Garner

Our class posters on 100's day!!!

What Karsen will look like when she is 100 years old!!!

What Elena will look like when she is 100 years old!!!

What Sloan will look like when he is 100 years old!!!

What Molly will look like when she is 100 years old!!!

What Scout will look like when she is 100 years old!!!

What Simeon will look like when he is 100 years old!!!
What Dylan will look like when he is 100 years old!!!
What Katy will look like when she is 100 years old!!!

What Landon will look like when he is 100 years old!!!

What Rachael will look like when she is 100 years old!!!

What Cole will look like when he is 100 years old!!!
Thanks to Mrs. Poland for making us these adorable 100 cookies!!!

What Aidan will look like when he is 100 years old!!!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Super Scientist: Rachael

This week, Rachael was our SUPER SCIENTIST!! Her experiment was "The egg and bottle." Rachael's was trying to figure out if fire needed oxygen to burn! She first light a match and put it in the bottom of a bottle. She then but a hard boiled egg in the bottle with the match (still burning). The egg proceeded to drop further into the bottle. Rachael found out that fire needs oxygen to burn and that fire created vacuum  to suck the egg down. Great experiment Rachael!!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Winter Wonderland in Our Classroom!!

 We have been learning about winter animals, hibernation, and weather. On Friday we even got to “ice skate” in our classroom!! We put wax paper on the bottom of our shoes and skated around the room! The kids loved it!










Our class skating around the room!!

Our class skating around the room!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Cooking Class: Snow Cookies!!

Today for cooking class we made SNOW COOKIES!! The kids each had a baggie of "snow" (powdered sugar) and we dropped a cookie inside! The students then began to shake shake shake their baggies to create a snow cookie! YUMMMY!!!

Rachael Anderson

Simeon Garner

About to shake our baggies!

Cole Hamling

Elena, Karsen, and Scout

Landon Hayes

Dylan Kelly

Aidan Harrell