Tuesday, March 26, 2013

AHHH Teeth Are Coming Out!!

Landon lost a tooth in our class!! He sure was excited :)

Super Star Scientist: Aidan

Our Super Star Scientist of the week was Aidan!! Aidan created a rocket for his experiment!! He explained to us what materials he would need for his experiment which were a plastic bottle, two straws, pay-doh and glue! The plastic bottle had the straws at the top and when Aidan squeezed it, the straw went flying through the air!! He had created an awesome rocket! Our class learned that when you compress air, it could power up a rocket!
Awesome job Aidan!! So proud :)

Friday, March 22, 2013

Super Scientist: Cole!!!

Our super scientist this week was Cole!! Cole did a great job with his experiment today. He told the class the materials that he would need were baby powder, water, soap and a bowl! Cole also told the class that the first thing he needed to do was fill the bowl up with water, then take the baby powder and sprinkle it in the water. Next he would take his finger, get it wet with water and rub his finger on the soap. He then would put his finger in the water/baby powder. Can you guess what happened when he put his finger in the water mixture? The baby powder moved away from his finger!! 

Friday, March 8, 2013

Super Scientist: Sloan!!

Our super scientist was Sloan this week!! Sloan did an excellent job with his experiment. Sloan’s experiment was the Fantastic Foamy Fountain and it showed us    that if you put yeast in hydrogen peroxide, the yeast takes the oxygen out of the hydrogen peroxide, which creates foam!! 
Awesome job SLOAN!!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Missing Tooth Alert!!

Guess who lost her first tooth today...... KATY MEEKER!! Katy has been wanting me to pull her first tooth out for about a week. Last week, the tooth was not ready to come out... but today it sure was wiggly!! POP went the tooth!! The tooth fairy will be coming to the Meeker house tonight :)

Magnets Have More Fun!!

Today our class was lucky enough to get to go to the Science Lab to start leaning all about magnets! Mrs. Trawick, the science lab teacher taught the class about the north and south pole of a magnet and what happens when the south pole of the magnet meets the north pole. The students also learned two new "big kid" words: repel and attract!! All the students LOVED playing with the magnets and finding out what object repel and which attract to the magnet provided!
Scout loves the magnets!

Katy playing with the magnets!

Karsen is showing us that these magnets are repelling each other!

 Sloan, Landon and Dylan love being in the Science Lab!

Molly and Karsen showing us how magnets repel or attract!

Sloan is showing us that it's not magic but that the magnets are repelling each other!

Karsen loved being in the Science Lab!

Repel or Attract that is the question that Cole and Simeon are learning!