Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A Visit From.... ABBY AND SARA!!

The kids have been asking about when they can see my two dogs, Abby and Sara. Today was the day!!! They had a blast visiting with Abby and Sara! Enjoy the pictures :)

Karsen and Sara

Rachael and Sara

Scout and Sara

Molly and Sara

Katy and Sara

Aidan and Sara

Landon and Sara

Elena and Sara

Dylan and Sara

Karsen, Abby and Sara

Elena, Abby and Sara

Aidan, Abby and Sara

Landon, Abby and Sara

Rachael, Abby and Sara

Katy, Abby and Sara

Dylan, Abby and Sara

Cole, Abby and Sara

Molly, Abby and Sara

Simeon, Abby and Sara

Scout, Abby and Sara

Monday, May 13, 2013

Big Buddies Farewell Hot Dog Lunch

Last Wednesday, our class had their last get together with their Big Buddies!! We ate in the veranda and we had HOT DOGS!!! It sure was yummy, yummy, yummy!!

Yummy Hot Dog Cookies


Cole and his big buddies

Simeon and his big buddy

Landon and his big buddy

Dylan and Sloan

Rachael and her big buddies

Molly and her big buddies

Katy and her big buddies

Scout and her big buddy

Karsen and her big buddy!


Friday, May 10, 2013

A New Family Member in Our Classroom!!

On Wednesday, our very own Dylan Kelly became a 
BIG BROTHER!! Nolan Ryan Kelly was born weighing 
6lbs 9oz 19 inches long! 
We are so happy and excited for the 
Kelly family :)

Dylan with a picture of his baby brother Nolan

A Scientist Comes To Our Classroom!!!

This week we had Avery's grandmother, who is a scientist come to our classroom!! She preformed an experiment that showed us how plants take in water. We even got to have four tubes in our classroom full of water, food coloring, celery and a carnation. The class had to take a "guess" as to what was going to happen to the celery and the carnation. This experiment allowed the students to observe the movement of water from the bottom to the top of the plant!

Monday, May 6, 2013

Pet Photo Contest

Our very own Katy Meeker won in the Pet Photo Contest that our school put on!  She even won a gift card to PetsMart :)