Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Math Journals

Since last week, our class has been keeping a "Math Journal" that we add to everyday!! Last week we learned what "equivalent" means and this week we are learning "not equal". Today we had the number 17. The students had to show two groups, one group of 17, and another group of 18 (one more than) Here are some pictures of our class doing their math journals!!

Monday, August 27, 2012

Solid, Liquid, and Gas

                     Some of our students watching ice (solid) turn into water (liquid), and then into steam (gas)!!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Lanier's Class

                                                  Our 1st FULL week of Kindergarten!!

Our Mascot Alliebird!!!

As you all know, every week we will have a student be the Marvelous Me!! Along with your student making a poster, on Friday your student will take home Alliebird, our classroom mascot! She will stay with your child over the weekend and will need to be returned on the following Monday. There is also a notebook that will be brought home on Friday. Your child will need to take pictures with Alliebird, or draw pictures on the paper that is provided!! This should be fun!!! The kids absolutely LOVE IT! 

                               Rachael, our classroom mascot Alliebird, and the notebook!!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

   Thank you to Mrs. Garrett for bringing this marble game to our class! The kids LOVE IT!!
                                                               Elena lost her 1st tooth!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wednesday August 22, 2012
     Rachael was our Marvelous Me this week!! Rachael's mother, who is a vet, came to our class on Monday and talked about 'dog bite prevention'. The kids loved hearing what they should do if they had a unfamiliar dog coming after them or how to approach a dog they did not know!! Rachel will be bringing home our MASCOT, Alliebird on Friday!!  

Kindergarten got to go to BIG Chapel this morning!! They love going in and seeing all the big kids and being able to worship God with them! After chapel the students got to go to the computer lab where they learned how to use the SHIFT button to capitalize their first letter of their name. They are bringing home their work today :) cute cute cute!

8/24 Book Orders Due
8/29 Picture Day

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Book Orders and Box Tops

Hello everyone! Welcome to Ms. Lanier's Kindergarten Blog! This page will be updated all week long with special announcements, upcoming events, and things that happen during the day that I believe you would love to see!

**Book Orders are DUE this Friday, August 24th.

How Would You Like A Day Out-Of-Uniform
And An Ice Cream Party?  

Mr. Kirk is sponsoring a contest for the grade that turns in the most Box Tops For Education coupons. The winner will have an Out-of-Uniform day and an Ice Cream Party and 2nd place will receive an Out-of- Uniform Day. Please turn in your coupons to your child’s teacher in a zip lock baggy with the GRADE marked on the outside. Deadline for the contest will be Monday, April 2.

Bring your Box Tops to class anytime and I will keep up with them!

Pull For Ronald McDonald House Charities
Recycled beverage tabs help support your local Ronald McDonald House pro-gram, a temporary "home-away-from-home" for families of seriously ill chil-dren being treated at nearby hospitals.
Save your tabs and look for the Little House Box in the Elementary Foyer.

You can look everyday to see if there are ANY updates to the blog! Hope you have a great week!