Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Wednesday August 22, 2012
     Rachael was our Marvelous Me this week!! Rachael's mother, who is a vet, came to our class on Monday and talked about 'dog bite prevention'. The kids loved hearing what they should do if they had a unfamiliar dog coming after them or how to approach a dog they did not know!! Rachel will be bringing home our MASCOT, Alliebird on Friday!!  

Kindergarten got to go to BIG Chapel this morning!! They love going in and seeing all the big kids and being able to worship God with them! After chapel the students got to go to the computer lab where they learned how to use the SHIFT button to capitalize their first letter of their name. They are bringing home their work today :) cute cute cute!

8/24 Book Orders Due
8/29 Picture Day

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