Friday, February 15, 2013

Our Big Buddies Were Presidents!!!

Today, Friday February 15th we got to go to the cafeteria and listen to our big buddies talk about the President/First Lady that they dressed up as! The kids loved seeing their big buddies!! 

Landon and Bryce

Elena and her big buddy, Taylor

Rachael and her big buddy Mia

Katy and her big buddy Madeline

Dylan and Finn

Scout and her big buddy Madeline (George Washington)

Molly listening to her big buddy Emerson

Molly and Emerson

Scout listening to her big buddy

Landon and his big buddy Gage (Abraham Lincoln)

Rachael and her big buddy Rachel

Molly and her other big buddy Molly

Cole and his big buddy Price

Karsen and her big buddy Anna (Mrs. Bush)

Sloan and Fredrick (JFK Jr.)

Our class listening to Cole's brother, Blake!!

Our class listening to a First Lady

Listening to their speeches!

Listening to our first President, George Washington!

Our class listening to a First Lady!

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